Our Mission at SVCC FORGED

We are committed to helping young people understand how God uses their unique story to build His Kingdom. By finding our identity in Him and submitting to His ways we can each be FORGED into a vessel that is useful for every good work. (2 Tim. 2:21)


And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.

- Revelation 12:11

  • What is a testimony??

    Our testimony is our personal story of God’s goodness throughout our lives! Whether we have known it or not God has been at work in us since before we were even born. When we choose to give our lives to Jesus we can start to see how His kindness and mercy have been making a way for us all this time!!

    Sharing your testimony is a powerful way to help encourage others to have faith in God and keep pressing into Him through difficult times. Our testimonies can help us reach those who can relate to our story. God uses our past hurt and pain to equip us to go out and spread the Good News: that there IS hope for the hopeless and a PROMISE of Heaven for those who choose Him!!!

    Please open up your heart to Jesus our Savior as you read of His redeeming love that has FORGED each of our lives.

    Scroll to the left and right to check out our stories

  • Brooklyn, 17

    Growing up my home life was rather unconventional. My family struggled with a lot. I didn’t have a father figure around and my mom worked to sustain my 5 siblings at home. I always felt alone. As I moved into middle school I struggled through a lot of bullying which led to my battle with depression and anxiety. More familial issues arose and that added to the struggle.

    Freshman year I switched schools and everything was going okay for awhile. Everything took a turn when my friends started to leave me behind. Everything became lonely, I didn’t have support from my parents, and hopelessness turned into self-harm.

    March 25th, 2021 I overdosed and by the overwhelming grace of God: He saved me. I went to a mental health facility for nine days where a roommate introduced me to what it meant to have an intimate relationship with Jesus. After I was released I wanted to pursue my walk with Christ so I joined SVCC and attended Youth Group and Sunday School. I met a lot of my dearest friends who continue to walk along side me on my journey, and help drive me towards the true prize.

    Everyday I find myself falling more into my place as a Child of God. I found my true worth through Him, and all that loneliness I once felt has fallen to the wayside because of the loving Father I have come to know.

  • Karsyn, 16

    I started out from the first week I was born going to church every week. As I grew up I continued to attend each Christian event I could.

    This year I believe that God really opened my eyes that I was doing these Christian things because I just had thought that’s what I was supposed to do. Not necessarily because I wanted to build my relationship with God.

    This year attending summer camp really changed my perspective on how I wanted my walk with Christ to go. I truly wanted to go, not because my parents made me or wanted me to, but because I wanted to be there and I even wanted to stay and serve the other weeks.

    Being there to attend and serve at camp really helped my walk with Christ and I couldn’t be more thankful for everything that He has brought me.